Meet our Team

We’re very thankful and proud of all our team members, who spend their free time to a good cause, voluntarily. The people who work with us are very various people, some have just started their career in cybersecurity and others have worked in cybersecurity for a very long time. Due to privacy reasons, which we can only encourage, not every member has a profile picture or is mentioned in a team.


The board of directors is responsible for strategic leadership of DIVD.

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Research & Development

DIVD has two teams highly skilled security researchers who seek and report vulnerabilities as a voluntary service next to their jobs. DIVD sees to it they follow our Code of Conduct while we provide them a firewall for journalists, lawyers and recruiters. Meanwhile, their research also serves as an empirical base to discover trends in security, stimulate security awareness and develop new methodologies in vulnerability research and disclosure. So, although you will probably never meet our researchers, you may hope they are checking your systems right now, before the bad guys do…

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Translating l33tsp3ak to human and the other way around as well as maintaining this awesome website.


Providing some sense of direction to a bunch of hackers, aka advanced cat herding.