We report vulnerabilities to prevent issues

We are a group of volunteers that scout the web for potential cyber security risks.

Meer informatie

The researchers looking for vulnerabilities

A short introduction to CSIRT and a call to action that tells visitors they can learn more about CSIRT on their website.
notification email

Step by step of what you should do

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Read the e-mail thoroughly

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Discuss the plan of action layed out in the e-mail with your colleagues

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Report back to DIVD

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Check the status of the case on the CSIRT website

On the CSIRT site you can check the up to date status of the cases we are working on. The case number in the e-mail you received from us, is the same on this page.



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Code of conduct

Veel gestelde vragen

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Contact All FAQ

Is this a question?

Yes that is a question

And this one isn't

Probably not

Not a regular office

We are a network of security researchers who mainly work online. If you want to contact us, you can send us an e mail to question@divd.nl or use our contact form. You can also meet us at cyber security conferences and hacker events or just follow us on Twitter. For questions related to our CSIRT you can email csirt@divd.nl