A watchful eye in the digital world

We aim to make the digital world safer by reporting vulnerabilities we find in digital systems to the people who can fix them.

Who we are

What we do

DIVD aims to make the digital world safer by reporting vulnerabilities we find in digital systems to the people who can fix them. We have a global reach, but do it Dutch style: open, honest, collaborative, and for free.

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Our proudest work

Our mission

We aim to enhance digital safety by reporting system vulnerabilities to the relevant authorities. With a global reach, we adopt an open, honest, and collaborative approach, providing our services for free.

  • 146

  • 146

    Total cases
  • 1.298.306

    Vulnerable IPS Notified


Help us, help you!

Make our work easier by putting our security.txt in the code of your website and our IP on your allow list. This way you make sure that our research team can look for vulnerabilities without alarming your cyber security systems. And we know who to talk to when we find vulnerabilities.


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Want to become a volunteer?

  • Become part of the hacker community with Ethical Hackers, CISO's & researchers
  • Develop yourself, we provide very cool stuff at our e-learningplatform
  • Activities, a party so now and then and a lifetime stock of DIVD stickers & other merch
Become a volunteer Open roles
Become a volunteer

Our partners

A2B Internet
Schouten Zekerheid
Schuberg Philis
VM Ware

We would be nothing without our partners (we like to call them friends) and therefore we truly appreciate them. Let us know if you would like to become a DIVD partner.

Become a partner

Frequently asked questions

If this F.A.Q. doesn’t provide the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to us. We strive to respond to your queries to the best of our ability.

Contact All FAQ

Is it legal what DIVD is doing?

Dutch jurisprudence is clear: if you address a societal need using appropriate methods, you are permitted to execute minor hacks to prevent more damaging ones. The Dutch Public Prosecution Office and the National Cyber Security Center endorse our approach.

Why did I receive an email from DIVD / CSIRT?

If we find a vulnerability, we’ll set up a case with all the details we know and how to patch this vulnerability. Then we scan known IP adresses to see if they’re vulnerable and if that’s the case we’ll send out an email to every vulnerable IP adress.

Our emails are personally written by one of our researchers and contain a link to the casefile on the csirt.divd.nl site.

Who works for DIVD?

Most of our volunteers work in cybersecurity as their daily job, this could be at a commercial security company, government, or as a freelancer. Some of our volunteers don’t work in security at all but have great interest in making the digital world safer.

All our volunteers are screened, and have provided a certificate of conduct. Our code of conduct is sacred, we do not deviate from it.

What kinds of vulnerabilities do you report?

Any security vulnerability that falls under the category of high risk or high impact. The sequence in which we handle vulnerabilities is influenced by multiple metrics, including the level of exposure online and if the vulnerability is under active exploitation.

How can I contribute to this initiative?

You can join DIVD as a volunteer or as a partner, put security.txt on your website, take action after you’ve received a notification email, and/or make a donation.